SVdP – Making a Difference Together

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Thanks to your generosity, St. Vincent de Paul continues to provide critical support to individuals and families in need. In December 2024, we served a record 847 individuals and families. Our Christmas program was a heartfelt success, with 65 families receiving gift cards to purchase food and gifts, accompanied by messages of gratitude like, “I could not survive well without the extra food.”  “You are a blessing.”

How You Can Help
Our next collection is on January 25 and 26. Donations can be made in the following ways:

  • Write a check to St. Vincent de Paul and put in collection basket
  • Write a check to the church with “SVDP” in the memo line
  • Donate online through the church’s OSV page. Click here.

Why Your Support Matters
Every dollar you give goes directly into our programs, with overhead costs (such as phone, paper, and ink) accounting for less than 1% of total expenses. Your contributions provide healthy food for our neighbors who struggle to feed their families.

We are deeply grateful for your continued support, which enables us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

To learn more about the SVdP ministry and additional ways to participate, please click here.

SVdP – Making a Difference Together