Living the Mission with Christ


Messages from our lay speakers about Living the Mission with Christ:
Living the Mission with Christ is:
  • An opportunity for our parish family to prayerfully reflect upon and renew their commitment to support our parish’s important ministries and mission through regular offertory giving.
  • A covenant between you and God reflecting your gratitude for your blessedness and support of building His Kingdom on earth.
  • How your family plans to support the growth and mission of St. Joseph over the next year
  • A re-commitment or commitment to our call as disciples to be good stewards of the gifts we have received from God.
  • It is unique to each and every family/household; it is not about equal gift, but equal sacrifice for the Lord cannot be outdone in generosity.
  • A call for our parish family to come together to pray for the ministry of our parish.
It is not:
  • A capital campaign to fund a specific project or goal.
  • A pledge that you will be hounded about to come through on
  • A 10% tithe to the parish
  • A program focused on balancing the budget.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

How blessed are we to be able to walk this earthly pilgrimage with one another as members of St. Joseph Catholic Church/Mission San José, Diocesan Shrine of St. Joseph! No matter what may be happening around us, the parish is our safe haven. It is the place where we can come together, gathered around the Eucharistic table, to worship and serve our Lord. We are truly living the mission with Christ.

It is also the place where we serve one another. Here, united in God’s love, we are a visible sign of the body of Christ and together we can accomplish amazing things. Nourished by prayer and the sacraments, members of our parish community are on the path of discipleship and growing in relationship with Jesus Christ each day. We value formation in faith as witnessed in our Family of Faith ministry and the adult formation opportunities. We treasure sharing our faith with others through evangelization like in the Alpha series or the upcoming Rescue Project series. We also know the importance of bringing the love of God to our neighbors through acts of charity and service as seen in our St. Vincent de Paul food program, or Sister John Marie’s Pantry meeting emergency needs in shelter, utilities and the like. Certainly, we can’t forget our Refugee Outreach efforts nor our cherished sister parish outreach. Through our many ministries, and our social and service-oriented outreach programs, we put into action the truth stated so eloquently by St. John the Apostle: “If God so loved us, we also must love one another” (1 Jn 4:11).

We are living the mission with Christ. With this in mind, I invite you to respond to our parish’s new stewardship program: Living the Mission with Christ. Please review the contents of this brochure and prayerfully consider how you and your family can play an active role in continuing the work of Jesus Christ through our parish community. Our goal is to increase our Sunday offertory contributions to bring Jesus Christ to as many people as possible. This is no easy task in today’s climate, but I am confident that you, our dedicated parishioners, are up to the challenge.

On May 4 & 5, 2024, the parish will be holding a special Commitment Weekend, inviting members of our community to come together and make a financial commitment that will allow St. Joseph Catholic Church/ Mission San José, Diocesan Shrine of St. Joseph to continue its important work. We are counting on you! By participating in Living the Mission with Christ we respond to God’s great gift of love by loving one another with the heart of His Son.

Thank you for your generosity, prayers, and commitment to St. Joseph Catholic Church/Mission San José, Diocesan Shrine of St. Joseph!

In Christ, Father Anthony Huong Le

Look for a brochure in your mailbox from Father Anthony!

Blessed Sacrament

Make your Commitment Now!

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Already giving online? Update your Sunday Collection recurring online giving here.

Our Mission

United in God’s love, we are a visible sign of the body of Christ and together we do great things. Nourished by prayer and the sacraments, the members of our parish community journey on the path of discipleship and grow in relationship with Jesus Christ daily.

Our Community

Everything we have is a gift from God. As we strive to love one another, good stewardship plays a key role. Stewardship consists of receiving God’s gifts with gratitude and sharing them in love and justice to further the mission of our Lord.

Our Witness

We know the importance of bringing the love of God to our neighbors. Through our many ministries, and our social and service-oriented outreach programs, we put into action the words of St. John the Apostle: “If God so loved us, we also must love one another” (1 Jn 4:11).