Thank you, from Father George

Fr. George Asigre from St Francis Xavier, our Sister Parish in Ghana, visited us August 30 – September 5, 2024 to share an update on their computer lab, library, and building of outstation churches. We are happy to share that we collected a total of $21,761.96 for our sister parish in Ghana.

Here is a letter that Father George sent to us after this visit:

Dear Fr Anthony and Parishioners of St Joseph, Old Mission.

Thank you ever so much for once more making my visit a happy and welcome one. I surely enjoyed your warm hospitality and generosity. Your prayers and support has in many ways enabled St Francis Xavier your Sister Parish in Ghana to steadily grow and carry out her mission to be in tangible ways the presence and witness of the love of Christ in the world, especially among the poor and disadvantaged.

You have once again given generously during my recent visit. I pledge to judiciously use the funds to complete our new Oustation Church with a floor, plastering of the building, constructing a sanctuary and building an Altar. I will also see to it that the very much needed doors and windows are fitted. Finally we shall have the whole building electrically wired for electricity and installation of ceiling fans. Since we also started a foundation for a school library building, we would try to continue with the construction too with part of  funds and whatever funds that would be available to us. Our target is to raise the library building to the level of a roof. Once more thank you very much. Work will begin as soon as the funds are made available to me in Ghana. We shall also send pictorial updates so that you are informed of our progress.

God bless you all, Fr George on behalf of St Francis Xavier Parish, Wiaga

You may recall last November 2023, Fr. George Asigre also visited us. He shared one of his parish’s top priorities with us: a computer lab for the main parish school and a library for the 35 schools and 2,200 students in the parish. Generous St. Joseph members responded with over 3,500 used children’s books, 100 Bibles, and $12,000 to help make the project a reality! A special thanks to St. Joseph School and the Family of Faith Ministry for their help in the book collection.

Computer Lab

The completed computer lab was dedicated and blessed in a ceremony on June 21. Teachers are starting to use the computers to instruct students.

Thank You from Students
Computer Lab Dancing Thank You
Fr. George dedication intro
Blessing of computer lab

School Library

Construction of a new library building to house the used books from St. Joseph has begun! Here you see the foundation of cement blocks and the gravel to compact for the floor. More funds are needed to complete the library.

Outstation Churches

Little by little, completion of churches at outstation locations is progressing as funds are available.

Outstation church under construction
Outstation church under construction
Outstation church video

Thank you again to everyone who generously donated used books or funds last year. Your continued support will change the lives of the children in the parish!

(FYI we will be updating this website with additional videos at a later date.)

Thank you, from Father George