Sister-Parish in Ghana

St. Francis Xavier Parish in Wiaga, Ghana

Fr. George Asigre from St Francis Xavier, our Sister Parish in Ghana, last visited us August 30 – September 5 and shared an update on their computer lab, library, and building of outstation churches. Please continue to support our sister parish and school in Ghana.  Sponsor a student.  Any amount will help toward their education needs and to give them a better future. To help our sister parish continue their mission Donate Here For details about his visit, click here.


The parish was founded in 1927 by the Missionaries of Africa (also known as the White Fathers). In 2007, the Missionaries of Africa turned the parish over to diocesan priests. It is the third oldest parish in Northern Ghana.

Over the years as the area grew, Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Fumbisi and Christ the King Parish in Sandema (which were formerly outstations) separated from St. Francis Xavier and became their own parishes.

Christianity is the largest religion in Ghana, with approximately 71% of Ghana’s population being member of various Christian denominations as of a 2021 government census. Roman Catholics are 14% of the population.

St Francis Xavier parish has been blessed with 20 native men ordained as priests (with 3 now deceased) and 6 native women as religious nuns (with 1 deceased). Two men are currently in formation for the priesthood.

Wiaga Map
Wiaga is a small town in the Upper East Region of Ghana. It is reachable via dirt roads which are poorly maintained. The nearest airport is in Tamale, 135 miles and 4 hours away.

Parish Facts

The parish is part of the Diocese of Navrongo-Bolgatanga with Most Rev. Alfred Agyenta as bishop. Rev. Fr. George Asigre is the parish priest and Rev. Fr. Edward Abugri is Curate (associate priest).

Currently, the parish has over 4000 Catholics (1250+ men, 1700+ women, 800+ children — 2500+ of whom are baptized). Infant baptism is uncommon; most baptisms are adults. There is a 3-year preparation for baptism.

Wiaga main church
Main parish church in Wiaga.

The main parish church is in Wiaga. There are an additional nine outstation (mission) churches in the parish (see map).

outstation location map
The parish has 4,000 people distributed over a rural area of 5 to 20 km from Wiaga. Few people have transportation, even a bicycle, to travel to the main Wiaga church.

Only Gbedema and Bayangsa outstations have church buildings. A building at Chansa has been under construction for the past 3 years. The other outstations use schools for worship.

These outstations range from 5 – 20 km (3 – 12 miles) away, but travel is very slow and sometimes hazardous due to poor road conditions. Few people have the means to travel those distances (e.g., bicycle, donkey, or motorcycle) so a priest must go to the people in each area. One priest presides over Sunday Masses in Wiaga while the other travels to two outstations to celebrate Sunday Mass. That schedule allows each outstation to only have Mass about once a month. When the priest is not present, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion fill in.

Chansa outstation church
Chansa church is still under construction – the local parishioners "bring their own chair" (if they have one) and the Mass is held in this space under the hot sun.

Most parishioners are very low-income earners who support their families through subsistent farming and petty trading. A Sunday collection from all the outstations is about $10 total and $50 from the main parish Church. People offer physical goods, e.g., eggs, bread, fruit, etc., to share with the rectory or for distribution to those in need. The parish cannot afford to pay the priests a salary, only a small living allowance.

See this PDF for a photobook update on parish life and how past contributions from St. Joseph parish have helped them to finish additional school classrooms and add a ceiling and fans to the church.

English is the official language in Ghana. All schools teach in English, but there are many local dialects. The main population of the parish speaks Buli. Other minority tribes include Gurunse, Kasena, Akan, Kusasi, and Bimoba.

parish school building in Ghana
The original school building.


In the Wiaga parish area there are 55 schools with 35 being Catholic schools with teachers paid by the government. A total of about 2,200 students attend Catholic school (grades K – 8) within the parish. The parish owns and operates Bishop Agyenta Academy in Wiaga with no government support. It provides a quality education for parents who cannot afford a privately owned Catholic school. It is a co-ed primary school for grades K – 8 with approximately 200 students.

Bishop Agyenta Academy Insignia
Parish school addition in Ghana
Donations from St. Joseph parish contributed to the construction of the additional school building.

The parish provides Catholic religious instruction to students not attending Catholic school. The parish has 11 parish-trained and commissioned volunteer Catechists who offer lessons after school in Wiaga and the outstation locations.

Most students attend high schools as boarding students out of the Wiaga area.

Christian mothers in Ghana
The Christian Mothers Association is a very active group in the parish. They made special clothing for visitors from St. Joseph.

Parish Ministries and Organizations:

    • Parish Pastoral Council
    • Parish Finance Council
    • Parish Youth Council
    • Parish Liturgical Council
    • Christian Mothers Association
    • Legion of Mary
    • Catholic Women Association (CWA)
    • St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
    • Sacred Heart of Jesus Confraternity
    • Knights of St. John
    • Sacred Heart of Jesus Confraternity
    • Catholic Teachers Association
    • Catholic Organization for Social and Religious Advancement (COSRA)
    • Catholic Charismatic Renewal
    • Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)
    • Catholic Boy Scouts
    • League of Tarcisians (Youth service group)
    • St. Vincent de Paul
    • St. Lucas Hospital

In addition, the Sisters of Mary Immaculate (SMI), a local religious group, work in the parish.

Wiaga church renovations in Ghana
Installation of a wood ceiling under the metal roof plus fans make parishioners more comfortable in the heat.

St. Joseph Parish Support

With St. Joseph Parish financial help in 2021 and 2022, the parishioners completed new classrooms for their children in Bishop Agyenta Academy.  

Another project that contributions from St. Joseph Parish helped to complete is an upgrade to the main church in Wiaga including creation of sliding glass windows, rewiring of the church and installation of a ceiling under the metal roof and fans. Temperature in Wiaga is generally in the 85 – 103 F range (with high humidity) so the ceiling and fans will make worship more comfortable.

Ordination in Ghaha
The newly upgraded Wiaga church hosted the ordination of 3 new priests.

The church upgrades were completed in June 2023 in time for the ordination of 3 new diocese priests on July 8, 2023 including Fr. Nelson Abagsuik who is originally from St. Francis Xavier Parish. Over 90 priests attended the ordination with Bishop Alfred Agyenta and over 2,000 people attended the celebration in the upgraded St. Francis Xavier church! See a photobook of the ordination by clicking here.


Fr. George Asigre and the Parish Council established 3 priorities for 2024.

  1. Establish a library and computer lab at the Bishop Agyenta Academy main parish school.
    • Currently, the children have no access to computers at home or at school.
    • The project will have 20 computers for use by the school classes and by adults when school is not in session.
    • The estimated cost is $15,000.
    • St. Joseph School and the Family of Faith Ministry are sponsoring a used book drive to provide books for the library for K – 8 grades. The children share school textbooks and have few, if any, books to read to improve their English language skills outside of class.
  1. Expand the local evangelization effort with more events and translation of materials into the local language.
  2. Build a small parish office. Currently, the living room of the rectory is the space used for office purposes.