Refugee family updates

Atiq’s family, his wife and three daughters, moved into an apartment last week and IRC provided basic furniture and utensils for them. As this is being written, our team is securing drivers and trucks to pull items from the shed and deliver them to the family. After delivering and seeing the apartment, we will let you know what is needed for the shed. One item we do not have that they will need is a computer. We still also need an e-bike for the man who goes for dialysis weekly. Please contact Don Kaefer if you can help: or 510-427-3007.

If you would like to learn more about the refugee resettlement ministry, please click here. To help these families with expenses, please make monetary donations payable to St. Joseph Parish with a memo to “The Refugee Committee”. To help our refugee families with jobs, learn more here. If you would like to join the parish Refugee Resettlement Team, please contact Monica Trott at

Refugee family updates