John 20:1-9 ~ Rejoice!![]() On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Many great historical figures have led exemplary lives, taught wise doctrines, and even died for the truth. Only one of them has risen again. Only about Jesus Christ can we say: “He rose again on the third day, in fulfillment of the scriptures.” St. Paul says that “if Christ has not been raised, then empty too is our preaching, and empty, too, your faith.” We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified of God that he raised Christ. If Jesus’ resurrection did not occur, then the Christian faith itself would be dead. Pope Benedict XVI states that the Christian faith stands or falls with the truth of the testimony that Christ is risen from the dead. Just look at what a few weak, non-influential fishermen from Galilee accomplished by proclaiming the same message that the Catholic church continues to profess today: Jesus Christ suffered, died, was buried, and on the third day rose again. Only the abiding presence of the Lord can explain this message being spread throughout every corner of the world. Only the resurrection can explain the abiding presence of the Lord. Believing in the promise of the resurrection, the apostles became valiant martyrs for the faith. We are able to endure our Good Fridays because we know that Easter Sunday is right around the corner. The light of hope that shines brightly in our lives shrinks our crosses down to bearable size. We can bear our suffering now, and with joy, because we know that they are leading us towards the glorious victory of the resurrection. If we truly believe that Jesus is our Lord who is risen from the dead, then we are to “think of what is above, not of what is on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God… When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory.” God has a place for all of us in Heaven. Jesus promises those who truly believe in Him will rise with Him in the resurrection. Rejoice! John 20:1-9 ~ Rejoice! |