St Joseph ChurchSaint Joseph churchOur parish church was built in 1965. Click Here to learn about the five churches we have worshiped in since 1797. Wood and Stone
The carved wood panels under the lighted sanctuary windows show (from left to right) a fish, which symbolizes Faith, the Greek letters Alpha and Omega, and an anchor, which symbolizes Hope. The carved wood panel under the former altar beneath the tabernacle depicts the Chiros, which symbolizes Christ, who is the Alpha and Omega.
The Altar Relics
Stained Glass
When the lights are on inside or the sun shines through from outside the mystery of faith comes to life in these windows; the light of God shines and makes all things fabulous. Click Here to see each window and learn more about how they were made. Our Paintings and StatuesStained glass windows, paintings, and statues were the most common means of teaching the early Christians. Since most people at that time could neither read nor write, art was a crucial way to share stories from the Bible and to present truths of the Faith. Religious art today helps to focus our mind on an aspect of prayer or worship. For example, our statue of Jesus on the cross in the sanctuary helps us remember the sacrifice of Jesus. We do not worship statues and paintings – that would be idolatry, the placing of people or objects in reverence above God. Rather, we offer prayers to the person whose image is represented on the statue or in the painting, communicating to someone who already resides in heaven. We are asking them to pray for us in heaven. In Revelation (5:4-8) the saints carry the prayers of the faithful to God like incense. Additionally, when we offer prayers to Mary, we do so knowing that she has a special place in Christ’s heart as His mother. We have many beautiful paintings and statues in the church. On the wall outside the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel are paintings of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Divine Mercy. Our statues of Mary and St. Joseph have honored places on each side of the sanctuary. Paintings of the 14 Stations of the Cross are located on both sides of the church. Our statue of the Resurrected Christ watches over the parish hall. Paintings of saints can be found in many other areas of the church including the family room.
Wedding Feast of the LambOur most magnificent painting is the 50 feet wide by 7 feet high oil painting of the Wedding Feast of the Lamb on the back wall of the worship space. Commissioned by the parish for St. Joseph Church, this unique and original piece of art depicts God’s dream for humanity, in which all are transformed and beautified by the waters of Baptism. The union of the Holy Family in the painting’s center represents the union of God with humanity. At this wedding feast, holy men and women of faith from different times and places in history gather happily around the Holy Family. This is what the Holy Mass offers: participation in the heavenly wedding banquet. Click here to learn more about this painting, the artist, and how it was created. Baptismal Font
The Baptismal font and the two stone Holy Water fonts as you enter the church were placed in storage when the 1869 church was moved to make way for reconstruction of the Mission church. Click here for more information about our 1869 church. San Damiano Cross
Saint Joseph Dream Garden
The Dream Garden is covered with pavers to create a large gathering area for parishioners to enjoy under the trees before and after Mass. There are built-in benches for seating, flower planters, and a low wrought iron railing featuring grape vines enclosing the area. Statues of Jesus, Mary our Lady of La Vang, guardian angels, and landscaping are illuminated at night. An accessible walkway and ramp connect the Dream Garden to church entrance and parking lot. Mission Boulevard Entry Gate
Heart of the Family Statue
Additional Statues Near the ChurchStatues of St. Michael the Archangel and Our Lady of Fatima appear at the St. Joseph Terrace entrance to the church parking lot. Across St. Joseph Terrace is our outdoor Sleeping St. Joseph monument, outdoor Stations of the Cross, and St. Joseph the Worker statue.
Organ and Piano