St. Joseph School ~ Spotlight Ministry

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St. Joseph School began its ministry to the children of the parish in the fall 1960. Since that time  teachers and staff at St. Joseph School have served to raise up generations of faith-filled Catholic Christians, Life-long Learners, Socially Responsible Members of the Community and Well-Rounded Individuals for our world. Originally staffed by the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, St. Joseph School continues to have a strong Dominican Charism and focus on the Dominican Pillars of prayer, community, study, and service. Even though much of the staff are lay members of the community, we continue to have two Mission San Jose Dominican Sisters on staff. 

St. Joseph School continues to have an excellent academic program. Not only do our students consistently outperform the local public schools on standardized tests, we are also one of the top schools in the Diocese of Oakland. Our dedicated staff works to ensure that each student meets his or her fullest potential and is valued for who they are and what they are capable of achieving. 

St Joseph School students fill bags for the needy
St Joseph School students fill bags for the needy

Not only does St. Joseph School offer an excellent education, but we strive to continue to serve our community. Every class engages in a community service project each year to help our parish community and greater community at large. Our sixth grade class hosts a monthly canned food drive to support the St. Joseph Parish St. Vincent de Paul Program. Our classes partner with the parish homeless ministry to create Blessing Bags for the homeless. Our students have made cards and letters to be delivered to the homebound in our parish. We also hold a collection at our school Masses each month for our Sister Parish in Ghana. 

St Joseph School students line up to form a heart in the playground
St Joseph School students line up to form a heart in the playground

Our Catholic Faith is the center of all that we do in our ministry. Each day we gather in morning prayer together to begin our day. A different class hosts a Mass each month helping our students to learn about the importance of Mass. Each week students from an upper and lower grade attend Friday Mass at the Mission. This allows students to have the experience of attending Mass in the birthplace of the Catholic Faith in our Dioceses once a month. Religious feasts are recognized throughout the school year with prayer services as well as Masses. Students participate in Adoration throughout the school year. During October of each year our junior high students lead the school in praying a Living Rosary. 

The Mission of St. Joseph School is in our school prayer: 

Good and Loving God, help us this day to be more like
your son, Jesus, in our thoughts, our words, and our actions.
Like St. Dominic, help us be Preachers of the Gospel. 
Holy Spirit, bless us in our efforts to be
• faith-filled Catholic Christians
• life-long learners eager to do our best 
• service-minded members of our parish, our community, and our world 
• involved students who love and respect one another. 
Let all who enter here know that CHRIST is the reason for St. Joseph School !

For more information or a private interview, please contact Principal Laurie Lopez at 510-656-6525.

St. Joseph School ~ Spotlight Ministry