Refugee family updates

With grateful appreciation, our last family has received a TV and computer and requested a fan which we had in the shed. After our meeting last month we understanding that IRC will not be funded for 90 days. We will take this time to rework the shed space and update our donation list. In the meantime, we will connect with the families in preparation for hosting Hospitality Sunday in April when we will update you on their lives here. Until then, please wait for the new donation list and please keep the families in your prayers.

If you would like to learn more about the refugee resettlement ministry, please click here. To help these families with expenses, please make monetary donations payable to St. Joseph Parish with a memo to “The Refugee Committee”. To help our refugee families with jobs, learn more here. If you would like to join the parish Refugee Resettlement Team, please contact Monica Trott at

Refugee family updates