Homeless Outreach Ministry – Help us after the 10AM Mass

The St. Joseph Homeless Outreach Ministry (HOM) is restoring dignity, one step at a time by supplying our homeless neighbors with love, compassion, and
non-perishable food items. The food items are bagged on Sundays following the 10AM Mass in the St. Joseph Workshop (aka Carriage House). They are delivered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to those neighbors living on the streets of Fremont. Within the food bag is a “Blessing Bag”, a small bag of snacks which assembled by the St. Joseph School, Family of Faith and Confirmation students. We are currently serving about 75 individuals weekly. Please help the homeless in the community and live our faith through Acts of Mercy and Charity. For further information or volunteer opportunities, stop by the HOM office after the 10AM Mass OR contact Don Kaefer at 510-427-3007.

To learn more about the Homeless Outreach Ministry, please click here: https://www.saintjosephmsj.org/discipleship/parish-outreach/homeless-outreach-ministry/

Homeless Outreach
Homeless Outreach Ministry – Help us after the 10AM Mass