Genesis to Jesus ~ Bible Study

Open Bible

What is the Bible? Where does it come from? What is its purpose? These and more questions will be answered as we journey through the scriptures in this study. We will also learn why Catholics should read Scripture and most importantly, how to read it. Genesis to Jesus surveys the principal covenants that God made with his people through figures such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David. This study also shows how each of these covenants points forward to—and is fulfilled by—Jesus Christ and his Church through salvation history. In this series, we will see a panoramic vision of salvation history and our place in this story.

Choose from two offerings:

  • Wednesday evenings, 7pm – 8:30pm
  • Thursday mornings, 9:30am – 11am

We will meet for 12 sessions beginning Wed 3/19 or Thur 3/20 in the St. Joseph Workshop. The participant fee is $30.00 for the workbook and video access. Checks payable to St Joseph Church. Please sign-up by 3/10.

Please also register here on Flocknote so we can keep you informed:

PRESENTED BY: Nancy Flores & Donna Yap (Wednesdays), Deacon Dick Bayless (Thursdays)

Contact: Nancy Flores at or (510) 657-0905

Genesis to Jesus poster
Genesis to Jesus ~ Bible Study