Living the Mission with Christ

Hope Does Not Disappoint


Discerning Your New Commitment

Your financial commitment and participation will ensure that the works of faith, mercy, and love continue and touch countless souls.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our parish. May God always bless you and our parish community.

You can fill out this Commitment Card online. Click here

A message from Father Anthony

(Close Captions are currently available in English and Traditional Chinese. Click the [CC] button on the video to view.)

Living the Mission with Christ is:
  • An opportunity for our parish family to prayerfully reflect upon and renew their commitment to support our parish’s important ministries and mission through regular offertory giving.
  • A covenant between you and God reflecting your gratitude for your blessedness and support of building His Kingdom on earth.
  • How your family plans to support the growth and mission of St. Joseph over the next year
  • A re-commitment or commitment to our call as disciples to be good stewards of the gifts we have received from God.
  • It is unique to each and every family/household; it is not about equal gift, but equal sacrifice for the Lord cannot be outdone in generosity.
  • A call for our parish family to come together to pray for the ministry of our parish.
It is not:
  • A capital campaign to fund a specific project or goal.
  • A pledge that you will be hounded about to come through on
  • A 10% tithe to the parish
  • A program focused on balancing the budget.
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

This year, 2025, has been declared a Jubilee Year of Hope by our Holy Father. This is a tremendous opportunity for us to experience the treasury of grace that our Lord has promised. As pilgrims of hope, we are eager to welcome this year with open hearts and minds, ready to receive the abundant blessings that our Lord has in store for us.

As the Diocesan Shrine of St. Joseph, we are committed to celebrating this Year of Hope with all the people and facilitating the hope that our Lord promises. I want to reach out to you for your continued commitment and support of our Church, to whom we belong and from whom we draw our spiritual strength.

There are many challenges that we face as a community, but with our collective effort, I am confident that we can overcome them. This year, we hope to welcome over 10,000 pilgrims to our shrine, and we are committed to continuing our works of faith, including implementing Alpha, The Rescue Project, and many other initiatives.

I invite you to respond to our parish’s stewardship program: Living the Mission with Christ: Hope Does Not DisappointPlease consider this request with thoughtful reflection and prayer. It is our shared responsibility, and I hope 100% of our parishioners will participate.

On March 15-16, the parish will hold a special commitment weekend. Your financial commitment and participation will ensure that the works of faith, mercy, and love continue and touch countless souls.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our parish. May God always bless you and our parish community.


Father Anthony Huong Le

Look for a brochure in your mailbox from Father Anthony!

Blessed Sacrament

How we are living out our mission

Our Community

Everything we have is a gift from God. As we strive to love one another, good stewardship plays a key role. Stewardship consists of receiving God’s gifts with gratitude and sharing them in love and justice to further the mission of our Lord.

Our Mission

United in God’s love, we are a visible sign of the body of Christ and together we do great things. Nourished by prayer and the sacraments, the members of our parish community journey on the path of discipleship and grow in relationship with Jesus Christ daily.

Our Witness

We know the importance of bringing the love of God to our neighbors. Through our many ministries, and our social and service-oriented outreach programs, we put into action the words of St. John the Apostle: “If God so loved us, we also must love one another” (1 Jn 4:11).

Making a difference

To see how YOU Make a Difference in support of our St. Joseph Parish, please explore today’s spotlight ministry. See ways you can also support these ministries financially.

Other messages from our lay speakers about Living the Mission with Christ: