From St Vincent dePaul

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St. Vincent de Paul continues to feed the many singles and families that come to us for help.  We are now handing out about 850 bags of groceries per month.  With the price of food these days, it will just be a matter of time before we achieve giving out bags to 900 people a month and may hit 1,000 a month by summer.

We are very proud of the work we do with over 40 volunteers, and St. Joseph’s Church should be proud that we have the space and the volunteers to accomplish this hard-working effort to feed the poor.  We truly appreciate everyone’s support in helping us help others in need, which is truly what we feel God wants us to do in this life.

If you wish to volunteer, contact President Barb Fuhs at 510-661-9572 to ask how you can help.  If you need more information on what we do, please visit our website

From St Vincent dePaul