2024 Bishop’s Ministries Appeal ~ Thank You!

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Many Ministries, One Church – Our 2024 Appeal has raised $81,421.42 or 113% of our $72000 goal for the parish. The money raised in excess of our goal is being returned to support the needs of the church. Thank you to everyone who has generously donated!

The Bishop’s Ministries Appeal supports the 70+ ministries that serve our diocese faithful as well as the greater communities where our parishes are located. This includes faith formation and evangelization, CYO sports, formation of priests to serve parishioners, care of the retired priests, parishes in action programs, and meeting the unexpected needs of schools and parishes. 

Dear Father Le, Esteemed Parish Staff and parish,

As we close the 2024 Bishop’s Ministries Appeal, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your perseverance and dedication within your parish. Your commitment is not only valued, but it has been essential to advancing our diocese’s mission.

Reflecting on the words of St. Teresa of Calcutta, “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things,” we recognize that this spirit of unity and collaboration has been our greatest strength in reaching our goal.

Thank you for being an integral part of this journey. Your commitment is a true blessing, and together, we are accomplishing something truly great.

Blessings, Terri Porter | Director

Office for Mission Advancement | Diocese of Oakland
2121 Harrison Street | Suite 100 | Oakland CA 94612

You can learn more below about how the Appeal furthers Christ’s mission in our diocese at https://www.oakdiocese.org/bishops-ministries-appeal


Loving and merciful God, we are your
family, brothers and sisters entrusted with
the mission of your Church in the Diocese
of Oakland.

Thank you for the precious gift of Your
Most Holy Eucharist. Thank you for
transforming us by it, and for filling us
with your Divine Love so we can help bring
Your Presence to our families, friends,
neighborhoods, and the world.

May our Blessed Mother, Queen of the World
and patroness of our Diocese, lead us to
You and walk with us in our challenges and
struggles. May our work, through the
Bishop’s Ministries Appeal, bring You joy
and bring Your gentle mercy and care to
all we serve.

2024 Bishop’s Ministries Appeal ~ Thank You!